Biggest supermoon in almost 70 years to be seen from Singapore on Nov 14
A passenger aircraft makes it's landing in front of a "super moon" at dawn Reuters

Amateur astronomy enthusiasts are eagerly waiting for the supermoon on 14 November. The moon will be the biggest and brightest as it will be closer to earth than it normally is. The celestial event is no doubt one of the best times when aspiring photographers can hone their skills.

Adding to the joy of the spectators, the moon this time will be the brightest it has been in more than 60 years. Scientists said the moon can appear about 13 percent bigger and about 30 percent brighter on that day.

In Singapore, the moon will rise in the east at 6.46 pm on Nov 14 and become a full moon at 21.52 pm. Reports say that it will be nearest to Earth about two hours before that. The supermoon will set in the west at 7.18 am the next day.

So long as the sky is clear of clouds it will be a visual treat and will be a shame to miss this opportunity to grab some spectacular picture of the moon.

IBTimes bring to you some useful tips which will help you click the rare phenomenon. 

• Starts off with the right camera lens. One should at least get his or her hand on a digital SLR and equipping it with a telephoto lens.

• It will be also brilliant if you can get hold of a tripod stand. Stabilising your camera will help you to get the sharp images by avoiding those shaky hand movements.

• I will also be nice if you can get remote shutter release or self-timer option.

• Set camera mode to Manual for full exposure control.

• This kind of photography depends only on the trial and error methods. Click some test shots and then adjust your lens to get the best exposure without overexposing the moon.

• Try spot metering on your camera to capture the details on the moon's surface. Spot metering will choose the appropriate exposure for the moon.

• Another tip to get that great shot is using the bracketing feature. Bracketing feature will help you take a number of photos at different exposures.

• Wait till the moon is well above the horizon so that you can compose your shot with other elements in the image like buildings, mountains, and clouds.

(With inputs from