Motorola Nexus 6
Nexus 6 gets a speakerphone bug after updating to Android 7.1.1: Is there a fix?

Nexus 6 owners have rejoiced the arrival of new Android 7.1.1 update on their handset just a few days ago. But, their joy was short lived as the flagship phone has been hit with an inherent speakerphone bug resulting into echoing voice of the caller on the other person's line, especially when the microphone is turned on.

Although muting or disabling the microphone seems to fix it temporarily, it is not a viable option when you are in a conversation. Unfortunately, the issue seems to be widespread as numerous affected users have taken to Google forums or the AOSP issue tracker to share their experience with fellow users and members of the community.

As Android Police reports, the issue crops up when the caller turns on the speakerphone during the conversation, wherein the other person starts hearing squealing noises and echoes of his own voice on the receiving handset.

Although the issue has been isolated to the microphone, it is now confirmed that the issue stems from an inherent bug in the new Android 7.1.1 update as the bug disappears soon after restoring it back to Android 7.0 build.

Meanwhile, some users have tried downgrading the phone app to an older version, which does not seem to have any effect on the speakerphone issue.

Google has recently acknowledged the issue and directed its development team to work on a fix through the Issue Tracker (response #19).

Interested users may learn more about the issue or participate in the community discussion via Google Product Forums and AOSP Issue Tracker.