Google Pixel 2 aka next-gen Pixel
Google Pixel 2 aka next-gen Pixel coming soon

The second largest next-gen Pixel phone 'muskie' has finally been spotted in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) gerrit source code, after the previous leaks hinted at the other two next-gen flagships codenamed 'walleye' and 'taimen'. Folks at Android Police have managed to unearth the piece of source code that clearly confirms the codename 'muskie' for the larger Pixel phone as seen below.

Next-gen Pixel phone 'muskie' spotted in AOSP code

Building 12 configured target(s): aosp-master/aosp_arm64-eng aosp-master/aosp_x86-eng git_master/aosp_muskie-userdebug git_master/aosp_walleye-userdebug git_master/bullhead-userdebug_fastbuild3a_linux git_master/gce_x86_phone-userdebug_fastbuild3c_linux git_master/marlin-userdebug git_master/muskie-userdebug git_master/sailfish-userdebug git_master/sailfish-userdebug_fastbuild3_linux git_master/taimen-userdebug git_master/walleye-userdebug.

The leak has been credited to Google's automated update bot - 'Treehugger' as it was caught reporting the targets for changes. The other two next-gen Pixel phones, Walleye and Taimen, have also resurfaced on the same AOSP gerrit page.

Although there is no word on the exact specifications for these second-gen Pixels, their size and codenames have been reconfirmed.

Accordingly, the Taimen will be largest of the three next-gen Pixel variants while the Walleye will be the smallest with Muskie taking the intermediate place.

[Source: AOSP via Android Police]