time-tracking feature on ios
A time-tracking feature on iOS has just been discovered Reuters

Another hidden feature on iOS has been discovered to be a great help to track down a user's app usage. It has become a popular pet peeve among smartphone owners to stay in apps for a longer period of time, most especially on social media and mobile games.

This time-tracking iOS feature allows users to take a look at how much time they have already spent on apps in the last 24 hours or the last 7 days. It quantifies how many hours and minutes users have spent on screen and in the background as well as the percentage of usage.

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To use the feature, head over to Settings > Battery > Battery Usage. What is shown initially beside the apps is the percentage of time usage; tapping an app will reveal the exact hours or minutes a user has been hooked to it. Two tabs above the apps list allow users to view the consumption according to the range of time: last 24 hours and last 7 days.

With this feature, users will be able to monitor their app usage. Consequently, being aware of their usage will make daily living more productive.

The post-graduate research study of Keith J. Anderson titled Internet Use among College Students: An Exploratory Study published on Journal of American College of Health has revealed that "the overall average online time of Internet-using students was 100 minutes per day".

Last year, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said that the average internet user spends 50 minutes per day on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger, to which the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed is higher than the amount of time spent exercising or playing sports.