iphone x ios 11.1.1 jailbreak
A screenshot of an iPhone X (Чудо техники/YouTube)

Just when the iOS community thought that jailbreak is donezo, security research team Keen Security Lab (KeenLab) has resurfaced with great news--the iPhone X running iOS 11.1.1 has been jailbroken.

In a one-minute video posted via Twitter on Friday, November 10, KeenLab co-founder Liang Chen demonstrates a working jailbreak for Apple's most premium smartphone, the iPhone X. Shared by @vangelis_at_POC, the video clip shows a presentation of Chen executing the jailbreak code on the iPhone X at the POC 2017 event in Seoul, South Korea.

Also read: Is jailbreak already dead? What happened to KeenLab's iOS 10.3.2, 11 beta jailbreak?

Chen has been silent about the ins and outs of the situation, but apparently throws surprises here and there. He has not made a public announcement about the exploits he used to pull off the jailbreak, and it could be for security reasons.

Back in July, KeenLab officially showed the community that iOS 10.3.2 and iOS 11 jailbreak was possible. Until this moment, it has been made publicly available.

As Apple continues to ramp up its efforts to lock down its mobile operating system and chase after vulnerabilities, the community has long been worried about the greatest jailbreak nightmare, a deadlock. With the latest demo shared and the fact that exploits are still there, iOS jailbreak fans can still keep their hopes up.

Although, it remains uncertain whether or not these jailbreaks will make it to the public's hands. If yes, only the teams or developers behind them can tell when

What matters, seeing all these recent developments is a good sign that the jailbreak community is not dying anytime soon. Only time will tell.

Below is the video of the iPhone X running iOS 11.1.1 being jailbroken: