Mark Zuckerberg is 'disappointed' after India throws out 'Free Basics'
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks on stage during a town hall at Facebook's headquarters in Menlo Park, California September 27, 2015. Reuters

After India threw out Facebook's Free Basics movement, Mark Zuckerberg said he will push ahead with efforts to break down connectivity barriers in the country of billion-plus people.

" has many initiatives, and we will keep working until everyone has access to the internet," Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post on Monday after Indian regulators barred his company from offering free mobile internet service in the country.

India's Telecom Regulatory Authority (TRAI) championed net neutrality in its new regulation, saying differential tariffs disadvantage small content providers and create an uneven field.

"This may thus, create entry barriers and non-level playing field for these players, stifling innovation. In addition, TSPs may start promoting their own web sites/apps/services platforms by giving lower rates for accessing them."

Facebook's Free Basics programme is running in some 38 countries, offering free access to a selected number of web services to more than 19 million people.

In India the net neutrality supporters have been campaigning against Free Basics for almost a year saying the move limited people's freedom to access the internet of their choice.

"While we're disappointed with today's decision, I want to personally communicate that we are committed to keep working to break down barriers to connectivity in India and around the world. has many initiatives, and we will keep working until everyone has access to the internet," Zuckerberg said.

Campaign dollars

Zuckerberg, whose company has burned millions of dollars for an advertisement campaign promoting Free Basics, said 'connecting India' still remained an important goal for him. He said more than a billion people in the country don't have access to the internet.

Zukerberg held discussions with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the US in a high-profile meeting, and then followed it up with a visit to India last year. 

"We know that connecting them can help lift people out of poverty, create millions of jobs and spread education opportunities. We care about these people, and that's why we're so committed to connecting them," the Facebook founder added.