iPhone 8 concept
iPhone 8 launch details surface online

Fresh launch details pertaining to Apple's upcoming flagship phone has surfaced online, suggesting that the AMOLED-based iPhone 8 aka 'iPhone Edition' could indeed launch in fourth quarter (Q4) of 2017. The delay in the flagship's launch has been partly blamed on the next-gen 3D Touch sensors, which are being developed for iPhone 8 with their delivery date pushed back to Q4 2017.

According to DigiTimes, the iPhone touch panel maker TPK Holding is expected to roll out next-gen 3D Touch sensors for the flagship iPhone 8 sometime later in Q4 2017.

On the price front, the adoption of AMOLED display technology for the iPhone 8 purportedly requires the use of an additional thin-film solution for the 3D Touch module, which propels its production cost to $15 from the existing $9 per unit.

TPK will be reportedly producing around 10-20% of the demand for thin-film touch sensors while Nissha Printing will be the primary supplier which caters for up to 90% of user demand.

Earlier, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo tipped a $5 per unit hike in the production cost of reengineered 3D Touch sensor for iPhone 8, which is expected to enhance the sensitivity and pressure levels of the touchscreen display on a wider range.

Meanwhile, both TPK Holding and General Interface Solutions are reportedly investing heavily on their next-gen factories to deliver the precision enhanced displays for the iPhone 8 wherein the former has spent around $152 million and the latter $163 million.