iOS 10 iMessage effects
iOS 10 iMessage effects not working: How to fix

Several iOS 10 users have been reporting issues with iMessage effects wherein they are unable to send or view actual effects as all their messages are delivered in normal text without stickers, drawing tools or emoji. With iMessage effects being an integral part of the new Messages app in iOS 10, it is imperative to find a solution for this problem.

With due credit to the industrious folks at iPhone Hacks, here are a couple of fixes to overcome this issue:

Steps to fix iMessage effects not working in iOS 10

Solution 1: Disable Reduce Motion or Parallax Effect

It is imperative to turn off 'Reduce Motion' or disable the parallax effect of app icons and animations as some users have reported a known issue with iMessage effects when it is enabled.

Here is how you do it:

  • Navigate to Settings > General and then open Accessibility > Reduce Motion
  • Now toggle the switch off to disable this feature.
  • Return to iMessage or Messages app and check if you can send effects or view those delivered by your friends. If the issue persists, try the second solution provided below.

Solution 2: Disable iMessage and then turn it on

  • Open the Settings app, scroll down a little and launch Messages app.
  • Now toggle off the iMessage feature and then turn it on again.

Solution 3: Verify if iMessage is working correctly from your phone number

  • Navigate to Settings > Messages and then select Send and Receive option.
  • Scroll down to the bottom and locate the section named 'Start new conversations from'.
  • Now select your phone number from the list to verify that iMessage effects are indeed sent from that number.

Note: These troubleshooting steps must first be performed on the device which is unable to send iMessage effects and then on the receiving device.

[Source: iPhone Hacks]