iOS 10 jailbreak
iOS 10 – 10.2 jailbreak: Best Cydia repos and sources revealed

Avid jailbreak fans across the globe have just received their biggest surprise for the New Year as the stable version of yalu102 jailbreak has just rolled out with numerous Cydia apps and tweaks already updated to support the new jailbreak for iOS 10 – 10.2. Consequently, it is imperative to know the best repos and sources available for installing the latest jailbreak tweaks and apps via Cydia.

IBTimes SG explores the top 10 Cydia repos and sources for iOS 10 – 10.2 jailbroken devices and you can check out the full list below:

F.lux official repo

F.lux tweak is one of the most popular tools being used worldwide as it helps in improving the overall viewing experience of the user on any iOS device. It is an enhanced version of Apple's Night Shift mode for iOS 9.3.x – 10.x devices.

Repo URL:

iMokhles repo

It is the one-stop shop for all your needs with 3D Touch functionality as it has numerous tweaks and packages designed to add 3D Touch feature to older hardware that are unsupported by Apple.

Repo URL:

Ryan Petrich's repo

Ryan Petrich's repo is known to offer premium quality jailbreak tools such as Activator, which allows you to setup customised gesture-based controls for a bunch of apps and tweaks like MyWi, Dreamboard, Winterboard and others. In a nut shell, it is the backbone of several other jailbreak tweaks whose functionality depends on the settings configured in the Activator.

Power-hungry iOS users may go ahead and try out the latest experimental builds, besides the usual beta and final builds of Activator via Ryan's personal repo. Add the following repo to your Cydia sources list:

Karen's Pineapple repo

Karen aka angelXwind has her own development community and self-maintained repos with a collection of advanced and useful system utilities for iOS power users.

Some of the noteworthy additions into Karen's main repo include AppSync Unified, SafariSaver, PreferenceOrganiser2, IneffectivePower and mikoto.

Main repo URL:

Forty Six and Two repo

This repo is home to some popular packages like Hapticle which mimics functionality of Apple's Taptic Engine for haptic feedback on older iOS devices. Check out the repo here:

iCleaner Pro Repo

Jailbreakers can make use of two separate kinds of repos for downloading iCleaner Pro tweak on jailbroken devices. One of them is meant for fully-functional stable software releases, while the other contains "bleeding edge software" releases, which are still under beta testing and development.

iCleaner and iCleaner Pro are the premium tools available from the first repository comprising of stable releases for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Stable versions of iCleaner tools are available via the URL: and the beta releases are posted here:

CoolStar repo

The CoolStar repo is aptly suited for power users as it brings access to advanced command line tools and other technical packages that are meant for advanced iOS users only.

Repo URL: