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Google offers a new set of paid Android apps that you can now download on the Play Store for free. Most are productivity apps that you can use on a daily basis—from accomplishing your tasks to achieving your fitness goals. Here are five premium Android apps that you can get free of charge for a limited time only.

Handy List (US$1.59)

The Handy List app is a task organiser, perfect for shopping and to-do listing. You can manipulate the sequence of the tasks or lists according to importance. If you are done with one task, you can tick it off. Ticked items will not be deleted, they will only be archived somewhere so you can bring them back whenever you need to. You have the option to remove them completely from the app. This app also works on Android watches.

Download Handy List for Android here.

Weight Checker Pro (US$0.70)

Track your weight loss or gain in the most efficient way possible with Weight Checker Pro. This app is packed with functionalities to help you achieve your goal, may it be losing or gaining weight.

Download Weight Checker Pro for Android here.

AppSearch Pro (US$0.45)

If your phone is loaded with all the apps that you need and you sometimes get overwhelmed where to find a certain app in a sea of tiny icons, AppSearch Pro can help you with that. A simple search, and voila, you get the app you need.

Download AppSearch Pro for Android here.

Speedometer GPS Pro (US$0.89)

A free version of Speedometer GPS Pro is available to download on the Google Play Store. But why would you get the free version if the premium version is on sale? This app helps you track time, distance, speed and location—which is ideal for road-trip junkies, cyclists, runners and every type of person always on the move.

Download Speedometer for Android here.

Battery Bar (US$0.31)

The easiest way to check the battery level of your Android phone is by the Battery Bar app. It puts the batter bar indicator on top of the status bar.

Download Battery Bar for Android here.