Google Pixel
Google Pixel speaker issue partially fixed with February OTA update

Google Pixel owners can now rest assured that a majority of handsets affected with the speaker issue has finally been fixed via February security patch aka OTA update. Although the issue persisted with select number of handsets, the root cause of the problem is still unknown.

Back in December, it was reported that a select number of Pixel phones were producing a 'popping' sound or harsh clipping noise while watching videos or listening to music with the sound set to a certain volume level. The February OTA patch seems to have partially addressed this problem as a minority group of users are still afflicted with the same popping noise with the speaker while playing media content even after installing the new update.

According to a new post on the Reddit thread /r/GooglePixel, several Pixel users have confirmed that the speaker issue no longer shows up while playing a trailer for The Mummy, following the February update. Meanwhile, a few other users are still complaining about the persisting problem with their handsets even after the update.

Folks at Android Police have confirmed that they could not reproduce the issue on any of their handsets, even before the bug-fix update was released in February. Nevertheless, do lets us know in the comments section below, if you faced this issue before or if it's been fixed by the new update.

Tip: You may try running The Mummy trailer with different range of volumes to ensure that the issue no longer exists on your handset.