teenage girls kicks dad
A screenshot of the teenager kicking his father (Weibo)

An act of discipline by a father to his teenage daughter in China turned into an ugly physical brawl on the street. The young lady literally kicked her father in the ass after he confiscated her phone.

In a minute-long clip that first broke out on Chinese microblogging platform Weibo, the 15-year-old girl can be seen kicking his father after he took away her phone. The incident became uglier when the father began to slap his daughter and drag her as far as he could.

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Onlookers on the street of Fushun county in the province of Sichuan witnessed the entire happening where one man was trying to arbitrate between the two.

Before the brawl could become worse, the teenager was on her way to an internet cafe with a friend when her parents caught her up, according to Hong Kong-based news outlet Oriental Daily. The parents tried to get her to come home, but she refused.

It forced the parents to grab her phone, causing her to run amok. The father seems to be calm at first until his daughter literally kicked him in the ass and tried to get her phone back. He grabbed her by the hand trying to take control of her while the mediator was trying to get in between them.

Her daughter's reaction took a toll on him that he slapped her on her face and even dragged her to the ground. But the young lady was not keeping her guard down so she tried to fight back by kicking his dad in every direction.

Thirty minutes later, the police officers arrived to bring the situation under control. The teenager reportedly went home with her parents to Chengdu later.

According to the parents, the troubled teenager dropped out of high school and she had been obsessively tied to her phone all day since she got it.

Watch the entire clip via this link.