Guinness World Records
Guinness World Records

While Nintendo is working hard to debut in the growing space of mobile games, an engineering student from Belgian has attempted to bring back the nostalgic Game Boy to let the 90s gamers recall their sweet memories. The student, IlhanÜnal, has entered the Guinness World Records 2018 Gamer's Edition with its giant Game Boy that is touted be the largest in the world.

"It's like you have to use your whole hand to press a button," says 21-year-old Ünal while describing the gameplay on the massive Game Boy, which is called the Game Boy XXL. The machine is nearly 6.75 times the size of the classic Nintendo Game Boy with 1.01 metres of height and 0.62 metres in width. It has a volume of 120 litres that comes to about two times the volume of an average human body.

Ünalhad constructed the structure of the Game Boy at his school laboratory -- while working on his studies and coursework. He used laser cutter machines to build the body of the game device identical to the original Game Boy that was first released in Japan back in April 1989.

Traditional experience

Unlike developments like the Nintendo Switch that provides an advanced gaming experience, Ünal'sGame Boy supports the traditional 8-bit gaming. This comes from a Raspberry Pi computer board that the Brussels-based student used to power the supersized machine.

The video released by the Guinness World Records shows that despite being a large-sized Game Boy, it runs all the classic games, including Tetris and Super Mario Land.

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"This giant Game Boy is a fantastic example of tech-nostalgia at its very best, leaving most other consoles and gadgets quite literally in the shade," the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition Editor Stephen Daultreysaid while announcing the new record.

Ünalwas inspired to design the new Game Boy through one of his friends, who wanted the device for an educational project. However, the final shape of the development emerged as a huge success for Ünal himself.

The Game Boy XXL supports standard GB cartridges that you might have in your collection. Furthermore, there is an option to leverage System Link to connect to a regular Game Boy and start playing games in a multiplayer mode.