
It's been long since humans have started hunting extra terrestrial life or aliens in the universe. Following years of research and hundreds of tours to space, there seems to be a turning of tables, as NASA has recently revealed that they are convinced where the aliens might be hiding.

A significant number of experts are almost certain that Jupiter's frozen moon Europa might be a habitat of aliens. Scientists believe that Europa is actually more than just an entirely inhospitable and barren land, as it might be the key to an amazing discovery.

NASA has revealed that they are sure that there lies a gigantic ocean underneath the frozen surface of Europa and very soon they will be sending robotic crafts to see if aliens are swimming in it.

According to News Online, in a statement released by NASA, the space agency has announced three goals for their upcoming mission of searching for life possibilities. The first goal of the mission is to search for evidence of life on Europa. Second, to focus on having the access to the potential habitability of Europa by directly analyzing material from the surface. And third, to characterize the surface and subsurface of Europa in order to support future robotic exploration of Jupiter's moon and its ocean.

According to reports, NASA experts have already begun the process of conceptualizing the craft that could possibly be used to find aliens in the extraterrestrial ocean. It has also been found that the space agency will create underwater robotic explorers that will apparently use artificial intelligence in its search of probable signs of life on Europa.

Along with the mission it has also been declared that Europa is by far one of the most interesting and mysterious bodies in the solar system since its more likely to show traces of life as compared to the other heavenly bodies.

Ultimately, other than Saturn's moon Enceladus, Europa is one of only two places where the ocean is understood to be in contact with a rocky sea floor which also makes scientists to be more convinced than before that it is one of the highest priority targets in the search for present-day life beyond Earth.