Apple System Status page
Apple System Status page confirms list of affected iCloud services amid widespread AWS outage

Apple has recently updated its official System Status page confirming list of affected iCloud services, following widespread connectivity issues being reported by users across various services including App Stores, Apple Music, Photos, iTunes Radio and others.

Here is the full list of iCloud services that have currently been resolved or partially resolved (at the time of writing):

  • App Store
  • Apple Music
  • Apple School Manager
  • Apple TV
  • iBooks Store
  • iCloud Backup
  • iCloud Drive
  • iCloud Notes
  • iCloud Web Apps
  • iTunes in the Cloud
  • iTunes Match
  • iTunes Store
  • iWork for Cloud
  • Mac App Store
  • Photos
  • Radio
  • Volume Purchase Program

Those services which are not mentioned in the above list are still being tested for issues. Check out the full-list of user reported issues that are currently being worked upon via Apple System Status page here.