iphone x issues
An attendee checks out a new iPhone X during an Apple launch event in Cupertino, California, US September 12, 2017 (Stephen Lam/Reuters)

Apple Inc last month launched the iPhone X with high expectations from the public that the tech giant is ready to release the much-anticipated device in November as announced. It turns out Apple is not yet set to deliver units in many millions before the year ends.

KGI Securities analyst Ming-chi Kuo has revealed in his most recent investor note that the California-based iPhone maker is still finding its way out of the possible supply shortage for the iPhone X. Before the 10th-anniversary phone was launched, Apple was already speculated to get entangled with the production of the device.

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Per a MacRumors report, Kuo notes that Apple will not hit the mark in fulfilling its predicted 2017 "super cycle" which could extend until the first three months in 2018. The well-known analyst points out that this is due to the production problems of TrueDepth camera sensor which is used for the Face ID facial recognition system.

Kuo predicts Apple's sales for iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X in 2017 will play around 220 million units. This is way below the company's 231 million units sold in 2015. He adds that iPhone X stock might be limited to just 2-4 million units until January.

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Nevertheless, Kuo is optimistic that Apple will start to get back on its feet by the first quarter of 2018 for the massive shipments of iPhone X units which he thinks might gross around 255 million units all in all.