iOS 10 beta 2
Apple leaves more of iOS 10 kernel unencrypted in beta 2 Apple

The lack of 64-bit kernel encryption in iOS 10 beta 1 puzzled several security experts while Apple argued about increasing speed and system performance with an unencrypted kernel. Apple had earlier defended its claim saying that the kernel had no user data and now the company has released the second beta iteration of iOS 10 with even more parts of the kernel unencrypted.

Renowned iOS jailbreak developer and hacker MuscleNerd has now confirmed via Twitter: "It was no accident. Apple left more images unencrypted in iOS 10 beta 2." The hacker has also included an image in his tweet revealing the various components of the iOS 10 kernel that are now left unencrypted.

It is now confirmed through the tweeted image (above) that iOS 10 beta 2 comes with unencrypted kernels for both 32-bit and 64-bit bootloaders along with unencrypted RAM disks and main file system. The only encrypted code in iOS 10 beta 2 pertains to the Secure Enclave (SEP) and Apple TV (ATV).

Apple's intentions are still unclear, as it is still unconfirmed if the iOS 10 final release will be fully encrypted or left unencrypted like in betas. As iDownloadBlog notes, it is a fact that encryption costs a lot in terms of speed and that's one big reason why Google allowed the option to disable encryption on Android devices for better speed and performance.

With Apple using encryption directly on its custom-designed chip, there won't be any sluggishness of encrypted software on iOS like in Android devices. So, the company's theory of improving speed and performance of iOS devices with unencrypted kernel is absolutely acceptable.

On the other hand, this could mean reduced demand or market price for zero-day exploits while it would make the task of finding bugs and exploits easier for Apple hired security-experts. In other words, Apple could be patching up all critical exploits much sooner than anticipated with subsequent iOS updates after every major iOS release in the future.

Given Apple's unencrypted kernel in iOS 10 beta, the biggest question concerning the jailbreak community is if it will make iOS jailbreaking any easier or tougher in the future? Please leave your message in the comments section below.