Android 7.1.2 final release
Android 7.1.2 final release hits Pixel and Nexus devices via OTA and factory images

Nexus 6 and 9 have already reached the end-of-life software-support cycle from Google as the devices have been excluded from the company's final release list for 7.1.2. However, newer Nexus and Pixel device users are in for some great news as Google has started rolling out the official Android 7.1.2 over-the-air (OTA) update for these devices.

According to the changelog, the Android 7.1.2 rollout will start with Pixel and Pixel XL devices, followed by others. Here's the full list of devices supported by the latest Nougat update, as confirmed in Google's recent Developer blog-post:

  • Pixel / Pixel XL: N2G47E/N2G47J
  • Pixel C: N2G47D
  • Nexus 5X: N2G47F
  • Nexus 6P: N2G47H
  • Nexus Player: N2G47H

Some of the noteworthy feature enhancements and improvements ported into Android 7.1.2 final release are listed below:

  • Improved fingerprint-swipe performance
  • Bluetooth-connectivity improvements
  • Battery-usage alerts
  • Enhanced-notification stability
  • Fingerprint swipe on 5X/6P
  • General connectivity improvements

Here are the excerpts from Google's official changelog description that highlights General Performance and Stability improvements alongside new features and bug-fixes for the affected Pixel and Nexus devices:

Today, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Pixel and Pixel XL devices. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements.

Some of the other fixes are with the early shutdown issue, a fix for the small number of users experiencing pink banding on the camera, and a fix to the audio popping issue some users were experiencing at high volumes.

Today, and over the next few weeks, we will begin the rollout of Android 7.1.2 to Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Nexus Player, and Pixel C. This update contains a number of bug fixes, added features, and general performance/stability improvements.

The persistent early-shutdown bug with the Nexus 6P still remains unfixed while the random Bluetooth shutdown issues are now fixed on the Pixel smartphones, as reported by Android Police.

Although the fingerprint-swipe gesture was originally Pixel-exclusive, Google has now back-ported it to Nexus 5X and 6P devices, after receiving severe backlash from its users.

Nevertheless, anxious users who cannot wait for the official release of Android 7.1.2 on their Nexus or Pixel devices may go ahead and flash the OTA or factory images right away, using the download links posted below:

Android 7.1.2 OTA images

Android 7.1.2 Factory images