NASA will telecast the first ever 4K live-streaming from International Space Station (ISS) on 26 April. NASA astronaut and expedition 51 commander Peggy Whitson is going to address the viewers from the ISS, which is currently more than 400 km away from Earth's surface.

The broadcast will take place at 1:30 p.m. EDT during a session at the 2017 National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show in Las Vegas. "The US space agency is a pioneer in the application of advanced media -- including 4K. By streaming real-time video that captures images four times the resolution of current HD technology, NASA is enhancing its ability to observe, uncover and adapt new knowledge of orbital and deep space,", said the association in a statement.

People having devices that are capable of running 4K UHD content, will be able to experience the historic moment. And even if you don't have a 4K streaming device, you can watch the lower resolution streams of the live broadcast on NASA Television, informed NASA's Facebook page and its website.

The panel that is supposed to be moderated by technology editor of Hollywood Reporter, Carolyn Giardina, will explore how advanced imaging and cloud technologies are taking scientific research and filmmaking to the next level.

The panel will be co-produced by NAB Show, NASA and Amazon Web Services (AWS). During this event, Whitson will also speak with Sam Blackman, CEO of AWS Elemental.