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(Kimiko Nishimoto)

An 89-year-old woman became an instant celebrity in Japan after her wacky and hilarious self-portraits went viral. After 10 years of learning photography, the old woman has even scored a massive gig at Adobe Japan.

Kimiko Nishimoto lifts the bar for the standards of portraiture by taking the most creative and well-thought of self-portraits. At 89, the woman took a detour from this generation's boring selfie by pulling off gorilla and frog mascots, being hanged on a clothesline and boozing while wearing a massive mug on top of her head with beer foams on it.

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Nishimoto discovered the craft back in 2000 and has not stopped shooting since. She started out enrolling herself in beginner's course conducted by his own son. AT 74, she began using Mac to post-process her photos.

In a span of 17 years, the woman finally made herself a career in photography. In 2007, Nishimoto had her first-ever solo exhibition at a local museum in her hometown in Japan. Most recently, she was handpicked by Adobe Japan to become the creative director of one of the company's photo series.

In an interview, Nishimoto said she has been 100 times happier after dipping her toe in the world of photography.

Her masterpieces will also be part of the display at an exhibition inside Epson Espite Imaging Gallery in Tokyo. Titled Asobokane, meaning "let's play", the octogenarian photographer will also be showing her unseen works from the past. The event will happen on December 15, 2017 until January 18, 2018.

Nishimoto might be old, she has proven that style and uniqueness are not exclusive to the younger generations. Below are Kimiko Nishimoto's self-portraits:

(Kimiko Nishimoto)
(Kimiko Nishimoto)
kimiko nishimoto
(Kimiko Nishimoto)
kimiko nishimoto
(Kimiko Nishimoto)
kimiko nishimoto
(Kimiko Nishimoto)