
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk showed the world how to do business in the modern day cut-throat world. What started off as twitter banter quickly turned into a business proposition, when Musk dropped the catch of the century. He promised he will put the end to power shortage woes of the state of South Australia by building a 100MW battery storage farm, if given the chance by the authorities in just 100 days. What's the catch? If he is not able to do it within his self imposed deadline, the whole thing will be done by him for free.

In his reply to the CEO of Atlassian and Australian millionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes, Musk echoed the offer which was earlier made by Lyndon Rive, Tesla's vice president for energy products that it would be possible to solve South Australia's energy deficit by making a 100MW-300MW range battery firm.

At first, it was taken as a sign of just boasting and Brookes replied with a message saying that if Musk was ready to back up his claim and if managed to get this through the red tapes will it possible for Musk to get a 100MW battery storage firm up and running within 100 days? Musk was not someone to back out and refuted by saying that from the day the contract is signed upon and agreed to within 100 days the project will be functional and if he fails to keep his promise then the project will be done for free, adding "That serious enough for you?"

Brookes couldn't but help to pick up this deal and asked for 7 days to sort out matters with the government and asked Musk to direct message him the rates for the proposed project to which Musk complied on an open platform.

If the deal actually follows through and is made into a reality, it would be extremely beneficial to the people of Australia, who have been suffering through power outages for the past six months. It's a win-win situation for them but what remains to be seen if the Australian government actually materialises a contract for Musk to start his work. None the less all technicalities aside, this could become a deal of the century owing to its uniqueness of inception and the bold promise made by the Tesla founder.