Nintendo's popular augmented-reality game 'Pokemon GO' has undergone a fresh list of location changes for Rare Pokemon spawning nests in Singapore, following the recent Gen 2 update. With the possibility of new Gen 2 nests also emerging at some locations in Singapore, veteran Pokemon players have updated the list of known spawn locations via Reddit to aid users in their quest to hunt down the rarest Pokemons in the game.
A new Reddit thread titled '14th nest migration after Gen 2 release' has popped up on the section named 'PokemonGO_Singapore', which enables gamers to share and discuss new location changes for rare Pokemon spawn locations in Singapore.
Note: This list is being constantly updated to reflect the newly-migrated spawn points and nests of rare Pokemons in the game. It also includes the common spawn points for Gen 2 Pokemon.
The thread creator 'PreScoper' has done a fine job by highlighting larger and main nests (with frequent spawns) in Bold, while those in Italics represent golf courses and other restricted areas.
Here is the full list of rare Pokemon spawning nests in Singapore (in alphabetical order):
- Orchid Country Club - Growlithe
- Laguna golf and country club - Drowzee
- Marina Bay golf course - Ponyta
- NSRCC - Shellder
- Bedok reservoir park - Staryu
- Bishan-Ang Mo Kio park west - Pikachu
- Botanic Gardens - Scyther
- ECP area G - Onix
- Fort Canning Park - Scyther
- Kent ridge park - Charmander
- Pasir ris park east - Machop
- West coast park north - Shellder
- Bedok stadium - Squirtle
- Bukit Panjang neighbourhood park - Jynx
- Changi beach - Scyther
- ECP area H - Growlithe
- Jurong Central Park - Scyther
- Marsilling MRT - Magnemite
- Punggol Park - Mankey
- Sea-shell park (Pasir Ris Dr 4) - Bulbasaur
- Sembawang Park - Diglett
- Tampines Central Park - Pikachu
- Taman Jurong greens - Omanyte
- Time Park (Pasir Ris Dr 6) - Mankey
- West coast park south - Jynx
Gen 2 nests found (so far)
- Pasir Ris park West - Sentret
- Pasir Ris park central - Shuckle