Anyone who travels a lot will tell you that airports are the best place for reflection. To stand in front of a sea of people wondering about where they are going and also introspecting about things in life. What is the meaning of life? What came first, the hen or the egg?
I am just kidding with you. Airports are a messy place and if you have to travel often, there are no romantic inclinations left in your system while you are waiting for your flight. To add to the misery, chances are that the internet on your phone will also start to act up and, therefore, any plans you had to get work done is down the drains. Though some airports do charge for their Wifi, in most cases around the globe it's free provided that you know how to access it and get it going.
Luckily, there is help at hand. Self-proclaimed "digital nomad" Anil Polat who runs "foXnoMad" has come up with a map that has all the Wifi passwords of all the airports in the world with detailed instructions on how to access it. The map also lets you know how long the free WiFi lasts in some of the airports. So instead of just looking around, feeling desolate and grumpy, you can utilize this time to get some work done and stay ahead of the curve. After all, the world may have grown in leaps and bounds the old adage still rings true- " time is money" and a 21st century traveler has none to waste.
Polat promises to update the map regularly and also send out feelers down his huge fan following to keep him outdated on the latest Wifi passwords if he misses any, so that the problem can be instantly fixed.
You can bookmark this page where I will leave the map or you can buy WiFox in Amazon, Itunes or Google Play. Word to the wise, just bookmark this page and just click it every time you are on an airport to get the Wifi password instead of paying money.
This is to all you folks out there. Happy travelling and May the force be with you.