Ditto Pokemon
Comprehensive guide with tips and tricks to catch Ditto Pokemon in Pokemon GO

Ditto Pokemon has finally made its way into Pokemon GO, following the recent server-side update for Nintendo's popular augmented-reality game. However, the prospect of catching Ditto or the shape-shifting purple Pokemon seems very complicated, as it appears randomly among the unpopular common Pokemon and cannot be tracked using the Nearby Pokemon feature on your in-game map.

In other words, it is very likely that you can find a Ditto Pokemon hidden amid a bunch of common Pokemon like Pidgey, Rattata, Magikarp, Zubat and several others. You can boost your chances of catching the Ditto Pokemon by simply capturing several of these common Pokemon with incense sticks and Pokestop lures.

You will need to stock up large number of Pokeballs if you want to give yourself a fair chance of catching a Ditto Pokemon that transforms itself after you have caught one of the common Pokemons. The Ditto Pokemons are more likely seen in urban areas, which are more densely-populated than rural regions.

For starters, it is advisable to begin your quest of catching a Ditto in an urban area, which is densely-populated with common Pokemon. Whenever you have successfully caught a Ditto, you will see a short cut scene (see the animation below) of the shape-shifting purple Pokemon that appears as a transformed version of the most common Pokemon in the game.

Ditto Pokemon animation
Ditto Pokemon animation or cut scene when you catch it successfully

The Ditto will get registered into your Pokedex just like any other Pokemon when you catch it for the first time. Capturing new Pokemons like Ditto will earn you extra experience points (XP) too.

If you feel unsure about catching a Ditto Pokemon already, you can always look into the Pokemon box and sort out the list in alphabetical order to verify the same.

Ditto Pokemon attack skills

Ditto Pokemon comes with weak attack skills like Struggle and Transform wherein the former is capable of earning 15 damage points with each attack move against an equally powerful Pokemon or another Ditto Pokemon that's guarding the gym.

On the contrary, the Transform skill will develop over time as your Ditto gains experience battling Dittos or other more powerful Pokemons in the game. The best part of Ditto Pokemon is its learning ability as it copies the exact same attacks of your opponent or rival Pokemon.

Ditto Pokemon may not win you gym battles owing to its weak attacking skill. However, it can transform into any other Pokemon whose skills it can develop over time in repeated duels across gym battles.

Anxious users, who are yet to start playing Pokemon GO, may go ahead and download the game for free via iTunes App Store for iOS and Google Play Store for Android.