Filipinos will observe All Souls' Day or Undas on November 1 and people who live outside the Philippines can also join them in offering prayers for their dead relatives through the internet.
In Philippines, the observance of "Undas," or Day of the Dead, is a major family affair. On this day, everyone goes to a cemetery to offer Mass and prayers for their dead relatives.
Tombs are cleaned and repainted for this occasion. People light candles and offer flowers. Reports say that traditionally, Filipino families used to spend a night or two in the cemetery near their relatives' tombs. They used to play card games, eat, sing and dance to spend their time. Drinking was also included in these.
Ucanews.com reported that the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines revived a "virtual cemetery" in time for the observance of All Saints' and All Souls' Day in 2016. "Virtual Cemetery" was first launched in 2011.
Filipinos who cannot be at home this year can visit www.undasonline.com to register the names of their dead relatives for whom they want to offer Mass or prayers.