Dinosaur eggs
Dinosaur eggs Reuters
Most of the people have seen flying dinosaurs which is called Pterosaurs, in Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park and their skeletons in a museum but no one has seen their eggs in real life until a revolutionary discovery in China. More than 200 fossilized pterosaur eggs were found in China by Paleontologists recently.

Pterosaurs were prehistoric flying reptiles. They lived from the late Triassic period to the end of the Cretaceous period. The study, which was published in the journal called Science, states that this discovery has given clues about the habits of the prehistoric flying reptiles who lived with dinosaurs.

Along with hundreds of fossilized eggs, there are many other bones of the adult and juvenile animals were found in China. On the other hand, a paleontologist from the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, David Unwin mentioned that it is "one of the most extraordinary fossil [finds] I've ever seen." 

The fossil was formed about 120m years ago due to a natural disaster. The founders are assuming that most probably when a flooded river hit the area where these flying giants nested, hundreds of eggs were washed out and buried under sand and layers of leaves or grass.

Since they were buried before decomposing, the eggs and bones turned into preserved fossils. However, researchers are now aiming to uncover more knowledge about those prehistoric flying creatures. 

According to the study, the discovery in China includes only one type of species, that is Hamipterus, usually lived in that particular region.

A paleontologist from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, Alexander Kellner has helped to analyze prehistoric eggs and bones of the flying dinosaur and said, "It's amazing. We never thought we would find so many eggs."

According to Newsweek, even though researchers have found more than 200 eggs, they claim that there are more eggs beneath the surface. To find out about the embryos, scientists have opened only 40 eggs till now.

This is not the first case of such findings, as in India there was a group of researchers who claimed that they had found two nesting sites of dinosaurs in country's Madhya Pradesh region. According to Indian newspaper The Hindu, they said, "the nests formed by the dinosaurs at these places got buried under rocks during the geographical turbulence that happened about 6.5 crore years ago."