Mental health in the workplace - by the numbers

Anxiety, depression and panic attacks in women might also be related to Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), new research claims. PCOS can also lead to mental health problems. 

PCOS elevates the male hormone level in a woman that leads to a reduced rate of fertility, irregular periods, excessive facial and body hairs and acne.  

This also leads to high levels of testosterone during pregnancy which also is a major cause of neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and autism in children. 

"The effects PCOS on mental health is under-appreciated. Our work shows that screening for mental health disorders should be considered during clinical assessment," said Aled Rees, Professor at Britain's Cardiff University.

Over 17,000 women diagnosed with PCOS were assessed for over a period of six months regularly. When compared with unaffected women of the same age group, body mass index and geographical location, it was found that those suffering from PCOS are more vulnerable to depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder.  

The results were presented at the Society for Endocrinology Annual Conference 2017 in Bristol. It showed that children born to mothers with PCOS possessed a greater risk of developing ADHD and autism spectrum disorder.  

PCOS should be treated as early as possible to prevent mental health disorders and to ensure a healthy and happy life.