free ios apps

The App Store free apps of the week will make your life easier and more convenient. ManCam is a camera editor; iPicBox Pro is a photos organiser, and Rumuki is your privacy keeper. All these apps are now available on the App Store for free.

ManCam (US$0.99)

The simplest way to manipulate the exposure of your camera is by using the ManCam app. You can quickly and readily adjust your camera settings as you take a perfect shot without ever needing to tap anything. ManCam is not just about exposure though as it gives you enough controls on shutter, zoom, ISO, focus, white balance and exposure compensation. Download ManCam on iOS for free here.

iPicBox Pro (US$0.99)

If you like to organise your photos, the iPicBox Pro is the way to go. Smooth, simple, convenient—there are no other words to describe this app. And if you want some privacies, you can always protect your memories from hackers and snoopers. Download iPicBox Pro on iOS for free here.

Rumuki (US$0.99)

For users who have videos they want to keep for themselves, Rumuki could be your trusted friend. This app allows you to privately store your videos in a separate device. How private? The videos will be encrypted with two keys stored on two devices. You can delete the video from any device anytime, but you cannot watch the video on one device without the consent of the other device. Sounds tricky, eh? Download Rumuki on iOS for free here.

Hurry! Grab them now while they are still free!