iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 jailbreak teased
iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak teased, but public release still uncertain Luca Todesco

Prolific Italian hacker, Luca Todesco has just teased the first jailbreak for iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 on an iPod Touch with Cydia installed. The hacker, however, has no plans of releasing the jailbreak to the public.

As iDownloadBlog notes, Todesco had done something similar with the iOS 9.3 beta 1 jailbreak while the public release of a working jailbreak for iOS 9.3 seems more elusive than ever before.

Renowned security researcher and hacker Stefan Essar had earlier teased a bunch of such beta jailbreaks without actually releasing them to the public.

Todesco's latest feat with the iOS 9.3.3 beta 1 jailbreak only appears to be of academic interest as it is unlikely to bear any practical use for the jailbreak community. The law enforcement authorities and the likes of FBI could somehow benefit with the knowledge that Apple's iPhones are still hackable.