Singapore: Vietnamese man decapitated after falling from 15th-storey hotel room
Representational image of a dead body Reuters

A 35-year-old man was found dead at the void deck of Block 165A, Teck Whye Crescent on Wednesday. According to reports, the victim, who was identified as Mohammad Roslan Zaini, had been stabbed in his chest and chased down the block, leaving a trail of blood that stretched all the way to the pavement.

The police have arrested a 48-year-old male suspect in connection with the case. Shin Min Daily News reported via Lianhe Zaobao that the suspect and the deceased were flatmates.

A neighbour of the victim said that the occupants of the deceased's unit were 'always partying and creating a ruckus'.

Meanwhile, a resident who lives on the fourth floor of the same building said that at 4 am he heard a woman shouting "Kau jangan gila!" in Malay which translates to "You don't be crazy!". Another resident living on the same floor as the deceased said that police officers often visited the unit.

Frankie Tan, 49, who lives next door to the deceased told The Straits Times that the suspect had slept on the staircase landing for about two years, before getting invited by the victim to stay with him in his flat six months ago. "The victim said he pitied him, that's why he invited him to stay together," Tan added.