Google Play Store

Google has announced a change that it will soon be rolling out to its Play Store and according to that, the better performing apps will now get more preference in the Store than the non-performing ones. The apps, that experiences fewer crashes and the ones that do not drain your smartphone's battery-life that much, will now be placed on the top and those with bugs and other performance issues will hang somewhere below.

As per the company, this move aims to promote the better performing apps, which in turn would bring increased usage and better engagement. Google has taken this step after realising that half of the one-star-scored apps on the Play Store's reviews say that they have stability problems.

This ranking algorithm will now push the developers with buggy apps to solve these issues or they will be penalized and their apps will be ranked lower than the other better-performing apps.

Google said that they are working to develop a variety of "quality signals" related to an app's performance to determine its new ranking.For example, now it will take into accounts stuffs like app crashes, battery usage, how many uninstalls the app and other things. The company hasn't shared the specifics as of yet.

Google has already started to spread out this feature this week to a very small group of users and it has already reaped significant results. Following the update, Google found out that the people who downloaded the high ranked apps went on to use them more and uninstall less.

The updated algorithm will continue to be rolled out to the users over the next few days across the world, said the company.