Going by present trends, by 2025 18% of the world's men and 21% of women will be obese, the study predicts. REUTERS

Obesity is now turning out to be a 'global epidemic' and it is rising at an alarming rate across the globe. Experts say that if this continues nearly 2.7 billion adults worldwide will suffer from overweight and obesity by 2025 and the cost of treating obesity-related illnesses will go up to $1.2 trillion every year. Hence, it is high time that people should take precautions to curb this problem.

According to doctors, obesity increases the chances of developing certain health conditions, including heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, chronic kidney disease, etc. On the occasion of World Obesity Day, IBTimes Singapore has compiled a list of foods that can help you to fight the disease.


World Obesity Day 2017

Oranges are powerful tools that help in boosting the body metabolism. It also have high levels of Vitamin C that is an essential nutrient for fat oxidation aids in shedding belly fat.


World Obesity Day 2017

Beetroots are an excellent source of magnesium, a compound that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. Apart from this, it also helps to control your cravings.


World Obesity Day 2017

Experts say that pumpkin is an ideal vegetable that helps to lose weight as it is low in calories and high in dietary fibre.


World Obesity Day 2017

Spinach contains a biochemical substance known as thylakoids and it helps in controlling hunger pangs. This eventually aids in decreasing hunger, thereby promoting weight loss.


World Obesity Day 2017

Almonds are a great source of fibre and protein. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity has revealed that consuming almonds leads to consistent weight loss.


World Obesity Day 2017

Doctors say that walnuts are quite good for reducing belly fat and helps in losing weight. According to research published in The Journal of Nutrition, walnuts can also help reverse abdominal obesity.


World Obesity Day 2017

Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, are a prebiotic, antioxidant, and fibre-rich food. It acts as natural appetite suppressants and helps in reducing weight. Flaxseeds are known to be quite healthy for human body.