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In the midst of escalating tensions in the Korean peninsula, the White House is considering to reinstate North Korea in the terror sponsor list. This move from the US to include North Korea in the list of countries which sponsor terrorism is considered Trump's strategy to counter the growing nuclear threats posed by Pyongyang.

US National Security Advisor confirms the news

H R McMaster, the US National Security Advisor, confirmed this news and made it clear that this option is under consideration. According to McMaster, the killing of Kim Jong-un's estranged brother in a Malaysian airport is undoubtedly an act of terror, and just because of this single reason, the country can be included in the list of terrorism sponsorer states.

Even though Malaysia has not pointed its finger on North Korea in this murder case, South Korea's secret service has strongly claimed that the plot of the murder was manipulated by North Korean Supreme leader Kim Jong-un. Kim's brother Kim Jong Nam died in February 2016 when two women rubbed his face with a nerve agent as he was walking through the Kuala Lumpur airport.

"A regime who murders someone in a public airport using nerve agent, and a despotic leader who murders his brother in that manner, I mean, that's clearly an act of terrorism that fits in with a range of other actions," told McMaster to reporters at a White House Press conference.

As of now, the United States has included only three countries in the terrorism sponsor list: Iran, Sudan and Syria. According to experts, pressure tactics from the US may compel Kim Jong-un to temporarily stall his missile tests and nuclear programs.

North Korea back in terror sponsor list after nine years

It was in 1988 that North Korea was first included in the list of states that promote terrorism. The country was included in this notorious list when it blew up South Korean civil airplane killing 115 people. In 2008, North Korea was removed from this list as it successfully met the benchmark associated with nuclear disarmament deal.

North Korea's good code of conduct did not last long, as the country conducted five nuclear tests since then. The country is now busy developing various intercontinental ballistic missiles specially designed to target the US mainland. All these moves from Pyongyang are directly violating UN Security Council resolutions which will result in reinstating the country's name in the list.

Trump's Asian visit and its impacts

American President Donald Trump has started his multi-nation Asian visit, and during this trip, he will visit South Korea, Pyongyang's arch-rival. Trump will meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in during the visit and is expected to discuss the effective ways which can be adapted to maintain peace in the Korean peninsula.

Essentially, Donald Trump's Asian visit is to seek alliance from countries like China and Japan too to curb the blind nuclear ambitions of Kim Jong-un.