Alien abduction warning signs
An alien abduction warning signs Reuters

An unidentified flying object was spotted hovering over Texas sparking UFO sighting rumours. The suspected UFO was captured by a man on his camera and claims it appeared to change shape and move.

According to a report in Daily Mail, the object was spotted on 23 November in Houston at around 3.15pm. The witness said: "I noticed the reflection of light in the sky. It was stationary, and appeared to change shape."

The mutual UFO network (MUFON) is now investigating the four minute long footage for more information. However, many experts are stating that that most sightings are later found to be man-made objects or natural phenomenon.

Adding on, according to a report from the National UFO Reporting Center, Texas has lesser number of UFO sightings compared to the rest of America.

Scroll down to take a look at the UFO video.