US withdraws from UNESCO citing anti-Israel bias

The United States and Israel have announced, on October 12, that they will no longer be a part of UNESCO, the United Nations cultural body. The countries have taken this decision complaining that United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization has been showing 'anti-Israel bias' for many years.

United States: The powerful mentor of Israel

Heather Nauert, the US state department spokesperson, said that the country will set up an observer mission to replace the United State's representation in the organization. The spokesperson also talked about the vitality of reforming the organization for better functionality in the future.

The United States has been a supporter of Israel for the past one decade in International circuits, and the Superpower has used its Veto power many times at the United Nations to block resolutions that would harm Israel. The decision of the United States to withdraw from the UNESCO clearly indicates the country's affinity towards Israel and its rage towards UN's continuous 'anti-Israel' bias.

"The United States indicated to the Director-General its desire to remain engaged with UNESCO as a non-member observer state in order to contribute U.S. views, perspectives, and expertise on some of the important issues undertaken by the organization, including the protection of world heritage, advocating for press freedoms, and promoting scientific collaboration and education," said the United States Department of State in a recently issued statement.

Israel issued a statement after US's withdrawal from the organization. The statement lauded the decision of US stating that it is "courageous and moral," and added that UNESCO is emerging as the theater of the absurd.

UNESCO's reaction to US withdrawal

The decision of the United States to withdraw from UNESCO has not gone well with the United Nations. Irina Bokova, the UNESCO head, told that the withdrawal of the US is a loss to multilateralism.

"At the time when the fight against violent extremism calls for renewed investment in education, in dialogue among cultures to prevent hatred, it is deeply regrettable that the United States should withdraw from the United Nations agency leading these issues," said Bokova in a statement.

"At the time when conflicts continue to tear apart societies across the world, it is deeply regrettable for the United States to withdraw from the United Nations agency promoting education for peace and protecting culture under attack," added Bokova.

Repercussions of US withdrawal from the UNESCO

The decision of the United States to leave UNESCO because of their pro-Israel commitment is expected to drastically hurt the financial strength of the world organization.

The membership fee of the United States represents nearly a quarter of UNESCO's annual operational budget. As Donald Trump's administration decided to leave UNESCO without any re-thoughts, the organization will surely struggle financially in the coming months for its operation in different nooks of the globe.

Political experts believe that the represents nearly a quarter of UNESCO's may change their stance on the Palestine issue, as the United States, one of the world's superpowers, has joined hands with Israel for extending moral support.