Saudi Arabia Russia agree to freeze oil output levels
Saudi Arabia's Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi (C) speaks to the media following a meeting with Qatar's Energy Minister Mohammad bin Saleh al-Sada, Russia's Energy Minister Alexander Novak, and Venezuela's Oil Minister Eulogio del Pino in Doha, Qatar February 16, 2016.

Officials in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia were in some serious damage control mission after alleged fake news threatened to muddle bilateral relations.

The diplomatic firefighting was necessitated after serious news publications carried a report in which a senior Saudi official was cited as saying UAE's rulers are in for serious political trouble and a crisis was looming.

The 'news bite' was picked up by several Arabic language media channels and news portals and was shared robustly on social media platforms. The Arabic language service of Russia Today also published the news, but later deleted the post.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia are conducting a joint offensive against the Shia Houthi rebels in Yemen, but the news of rift between the allies spread far and wide, escalating the situation.

"The media contrivances which target the UAE's relationship with Saudi Arabia are sickening, and calculated by the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran. We increase our resolve that the alliance remains a solid, Arab dam," Emirati Minister Anwar Gargash tweeted in response, according to Albawaba.

The minister blasted news outlets that have international reputation that carried the news without due checks. "You need to investigate the independent media channels as a source of false news, and you'll discover the role of the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran, who are attempting to target successful Arab projects," he said in another tweet.

This led to citizens of the UAE and Saudi Arabia wearing the blood-bond between the countries on their sleeves. "We are brothers in blood, fate, past and present. We will not let the intrigues of haters divide us. Today Saudi Arabia and the UAE are one state, and the Saud and Al Nahyan families are one," one tweet read.