South Korean actor, Kim Sung-min brain dead after suicide attempt
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A 35-year-old Russian woman died reportedly after getting hit by a lamp post or a passing car while she stuck her head out the window of a moving car in Dominic Republic. The Daily Mail cited Russian news outlet Moskovsky Komsomolets and reported that Natalia Borodina had most of her upper body leaning out of a car on a highway in the Dominican Republic when the incident happened.

According to reorts, the horrifying incident was recorded on a phone by Borodina's friend, Ivanna Boirachuk who was said to be the driver. The video showed Borodina, who went on a holiday in the Caribean, laughing at the camera and playfully sticks her finger in her mouth, before she is struck by an object.

The Russian media reported that Borodina was taken to the hospital but she succumbed to her "serious injuries". "The woman was having fun demonstrating her naked breasts while her companion drove the car," Moskovsky Komsomolets reported. 

The reports also added that Borodina's eight-year-old son was reportedly on holiday with her in the Dominican Republic.