A view of the facade of a house in the village of Dertniki, Yaroslavl region, Russia. Reuters
A view of a house in the village of Gridinskaya, Arkhangelsk region, Russia Reuters
A view of part of a facade of a house in Rostov, Yaroslavl region, Russia. Alexander Morozov, director of the local history museum in the town of Borovsk in Kaluga region, southwest of Moscow, says houses have been built from wood in Russia since ancient times. "Wooden huts, wooden churches and chapels, wooden mills on the rivers. Only very wealthy citizens built on brick foundations," he says. Reuters
A view of part of a facade of a historic house in the village of Cherevkovo, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Many of these ancient houses across Russia are in a lamentable condition or falling to pieces. Urbanisation and a low birth rate are emptying out the countryside, and residents and authorities are often largely indifferent towards the historical value of their properties. Reuters
A view of the facade of a house in Rostov, Yaroslavl region, Russia. Reuters
A view of part of a facade of a house in the village of Cherevkovo, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Reuters
A view of part of the facade of a house in the village of 1st Moiseevskaya in Arkhangelsk Region, Russia. Reuters
A view of the facade of a house in the village of Cherevkovo, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Traditional wooden houses, many featuring exquisite carvings and craftsmanship, are falling into decay across Russia because of neglect, lack of funds and an exodus from the countryside to the cities. Reuters
An interior view of an historic house in the village of Cherevkovo, Arkhangelsk region, Russia. Reuters
A view of the facade of a house in the village of Debolovskoye, Yaroslavl region, Russia Reuters