SR Nathan State Funeral Procession: Singapore bids farewell to former President
Flag hangs at half mast at Parliament House in Singapore Reuters

Singaporeans bade farewell to late former president SR Nathan on Friday with a State Funeral Procession and a State Funeral Service. The procession crossed some of the landmarks that are closely associated with him.

A coffin bearer party comprising of nine Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and Singapore Police Force (SPF) personnel transferred Nathan's casket onto the ceremonial 25-pounder gun carriage at 2 pm on Friday, before starting the procession.

The ceremonial gun carriage passed the first landmark, the City Hall and made its way through Singapore's civic district and heartlands.

The State Funeral Procession also passed notable landmarks such as Fullerton Hotel and NTUC Centre en route to the University Cultural Centre at National University of Singapore.

When the procession reached the University Cultural Centre at National University of Singapore, the gun carriage was received at the main foyer by a Line of Honour (LOH).

The LOH servicemen inverted their guns and bowed their heads as a mark of respect, which is commonly known as "Resting on Arms Reversed". This particular gesture of paying tribute is the highest form of respect the SAF Military Police Command can pay to the deceased.

The procession was followed by Chief Mourner, Osith Ramanathan, Nathan's son and other family members. They were accompanied by pallbearers including Minister for National Development and Second Minister for Finance, Lawrence Wong, Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Masagos Zulkifli, and several other representatives.

Once all of the mourners paid their last tributes, President Tony Tan Keng Yam presented the State Flag and accoutrements to Nathan's son Osith. This is the highest honour given by the Government to a statesman. And, then the final salute was paid with single bugler from the SAF Military Band.

A minute of silence was observed by the mourners and shortly after the funeral service, the cortege was taken on its final journey to Mandai Crematorium for a private cremation service.