smart condom

The new i-Con smart condom unveiled amid much brouhaha by a UK based company named British Condoms which has been delivering condoms and other products since 1999, has all characteristics of going the Viagra way.

Apart from rating the so-called performance on the bed, this smart condom also helps men to detect sexually transmitted infections. Experts have compared this smart condom to a Fitbit which is specially designed for men. After the intercourse, the user will be able to access various statistics including duration, calories burned and other details.

The smart condom also makes use of nanochip and Bluetooth technology to relay the obtained data to a smartphone application. The performance meter results can be shared with doctors just like other health monitoring devices. 

The Nottingham company who has developed this product also ensures that all your data will be maintained very confidentially, and will be kept anonymous.

Nearly one lakh pre-orders

As of now, more than 96,000 people have pre-ordered this product, and the condom will be delivered to them by the end of this year. The company believes that this condom will emerge as a complete game changer in the market like Viagra.

"We knew we were on the cusp of creating something special with i.Con, and bringing a new meaning to 'wearable tech' - but being advocates of safe sex, we wanted something more, and the addition of an STI indicator has certainly done that," said Aaron Slater, spokesperson for British Condoms.