Singapore police arrests 19-year-old for selling stolen cigarettes online
An illustration picture shows cigarettes in their pack, October 8, 2014. Reuters

Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) arrested a 19-year-old for illegally selling cigarettes via online platforms without a tobacco licence. The crime was detected by the Tobacco Regulation Branch while conducting regular cyber surveillance checks.

The HAS officials conducted its enforcement operations on Jan 10 and caught the seller, who was trying to sell the cigarettes online for $10 per packet. The police have also found eight packets of Singapore duty paid cigarettes at his residence.

The preliminary investigations showed that the seller along with three of his friends had stolen 48 packets of cigarettes from a supermarket, and was trying to resell those packets online. Reports said he is currently assisting the police and HSA with investigations.

Singapore's Tobacco (Control of Advertisements and Sale) Act considers the act of importing, distributing, selling or offer for sale or having in possession for sale any tobacco products without valid licences as illegal. If convicted, the person could face a maximum fine of up to $10,000.

Along with a fine, the offence of Theft in Dwelling under Section 380 of the Penal Code, Chapter 224, might also bring a jail term of up to seven years.

HSA urges the members of the public to call the Tobacco Regulation Branch at 66842036 or 66842037 (during office hours) if they have any information on the illegal sale of tobacco products.