Air New Zealand
Air New Zealand plane. Reuters

Singapore Airlines and Air New Zealand on Thursday announced they will jointly launch a third daily flight between Singapore and Auckland starting late next year.

The third flight will takeoff on October 28, boosting capacity on the route by up to 40 percent and adding more than 165,000 seats annually between the two cities, the company said in a press release.

The additional service, along with a revision of current schedules, will shorten connection times and improve connectivity through the Singapore hub.

The new service will operate daily during the peak Northern Winter season (28 October 2018 – 30 March 2019), and five times per week during the Northern Summer season (31 March 2019 – 26 October 2019).

During peak months the airlines will jointly operate a total of 35 return services a week between Singapore and New Zealand, including Christchurch and Wellington flights, the airline said.

The new joint service and revised flight schedules are subject to regulatory approvals.

Tickets for the new Singapore-Auckland service will be made available for sale progressively through the various distribution channels from 8 December 2017.