Modified CRISPR technique treats diseases without cutting DNA

In what could remove a major hurdle to using gene editing technologies to treat human diseases, scientists have created a new version of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology that allows them to activate genes and treat diseases without creating breaks in the DNA. Dec 8, 2017

Most teenagers cope with bad online experience

Are you worried about the consequences of your child encountering online risks, such as sexual soliciting, cyber-bullying and explicit material? Take heart as researchers have found that for most teenagers, the negative effects of such exposure vanish in less than a week. Dec 8, 2017

Poor sleep may up depression risk

If your teenaged son or daughter is regularly waking up till late in the night, he or she is likely to have poor sleep, which may increase their risk of developing mood disorders, especially depression, researchers have warned. Dec 8, 2017

Restless sleep may up risk of Parkinson's in men

Do you lack a restful sleep and are in the habit of hitting or kicking in your sleep? Beware, according to a study, this could be a sign of a disorder associated with Parkinson's disease, especially in men. Dec 8, 2017