Sack me from UMNO, but be ready to face severe repercussions : Ahmad Said
An UMNO party flag flutters at Batu Buruk Beach in Kuala Terengganu Reuters

Former Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Said warned the Malay nationalist party of severe consequences if he is expelled from the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), saying that there will be repercussions in the Terengganu state legislative assembly.

"I have no problems and will accept any decision, only whatever decision may impact the position in the state legislative assembly," he said in an interview to Sinar Haria.

According to reports, some members had urged the UMNO party leadership in meeting yesterday to sack the Said. They opposed his vocal criticism against the state government and his suggestion to pass a no-confidence motion against his successor Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman.

However, Ahmad Said said to the Malay daily, "For now, I will remain and continue to focus on my duties as an elected representative to fight for the people's rights even though I have to face all sorts of accusations from certain people"

Earlier also, when rumours surfaced about his quitting UMNO, Ahmad Said affirmed that he is still a member of Umno and rejected all rumours.

Ties between Said and his successor Ahmad Razif Abd Rahman have been strained after the Kemaman UMNO division chief was forced to step down as mentri besar two year back.

Ahmad Said sought to table a motion of no-confidence against Ahmad Razif thereafter but was refused by Terengganu Speaker Mohd Zubir Embong.