US House of Representatives pass sanctions bill

he U.S. House of Representatives voted to slap more sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea. The bill defies President Trumps objections to such legislation but was backed by Republicans and Democrats alike. The bill still needs to pass through the Senate before getting to the White House for Trump to sign or veto. The House-passed bill would codify into law existing sanctions on Russia. New sanctions would be imposed upon  Iran for their ballistic missile development. While North Koreas shipping industry and use of slave labor would be targeted for the countrys nuclear and missile programs. The White House says President Trump has not yet considered vetoing or signing the bill into law. Jul 26, 2017

What is in the Labour Party manifesto?

The party are promising to renationalize energy, water rail and mail services, give an additional £6bn ($7.76bn) to the NHS, and raise corporation tax.  May 16, 2017

Hearing-impaired employee surprised by co-workers learning Happy Birthday in sign language

Employees at a Chick-fil-A branch in Lawton, Oklahoma, surprised a hearing-impaired co-worker with a rendition of Happy Birthday to remember – they did it sign language. This video was posted on May 11.We had the best time learning to sign the Happy Birthday song for our fellow team member who suffers from hearing loss, the Facebook post said. We love you, James, and we are so thankful that you are a part of our team! We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you! May 16, 2017