north korea leader kim jong-un

According to the satellite images released by Washington-based 38 North, a North Korea monitoring project, Pyongyang is close to finishing a powerful ballistic missile submarine. The newly released images taken on November 05, 2017, shows increased activity at North Korea's Sinpo South Shipyard, and it reportedly indicates that Kim Jong-un and his nation is preparing for a possible World War 3.

North Korea building SINPO-C ballistic missile submarine

According to the report published by 38 North, November 05th witnessed an increased activity in the Sinpo South Shipyard, and they believe that Pyongyang is now in the final stages of building SINPO-C ballistic missile submarine. The SINPO-C ballistic submarine is expected to elevate the marine strength of North Korea, and it will surely give them enough dominance if a war breaks out in the recent future.

According to the report, there have been continuous movements of components in and out of the construction yard throughout 2017 which clearly indicate that the country is busy in developing something big. The researchers in 38 North spotted two large circular objects on the November 05 images, and they believe that these parts are submarine's pressure hull. Images also indicated testing of ejection launch of missiles from the SINPO-C ballistic submarine.

North Korea preparing for World War 3

As North Korea is building powerful weapons and missiles, political experts believe that the country's Supreme leader Kim Jong-un is equipping his country for World War 3. Earlier, Pyongyang has developed an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of hitting the US mainland.

In the meantime, US President Donald Trump has said that all operations including the military ones are under consideration to curb the blind nuclear ambitions of Kim. Trump has also made it clear that 'only one thing will work' with Pyongyang if it continues testing nuclear missiles and weapons. However, during his recent Asian visit, Trump revealed that the US is ready for diplomatic talks with Kim Jong-un if the Supreme leader is ready to abandon the country's nuclear plans.