As WikiLeaks continues its daily release of hacked emails from John Podesta, the Clinton campaign chairman, the Democrat has found herself in great trouble so close to the election on November 8.
The latest bombshell on Hillary campaign is the release of emails that show that the Clinton Foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar when Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State.
The gift was given to the Clinton family foundation and it happened without informing the State Department, in violation of the undertaking Clinton had given on becoming the US secretary of state. Hillary was bound to put all Clinton Foundation donations through the agency review.
It is reported that the Qatari officials gifted the money to mark the 65th birthday of Hillary Clinton's husband, Bill Clinton, in 2011. It was also revealed that the officials were keen on meeting the former US president in person the following year to present him the check.
When Hillary Clinton became the secretary of state in 2009, she signed an ethics agreement that aimed toward increasing transparency about monetary exchanged and avoids impression of US foreign policy could become biased towards wealthy donors and can be influenced by money. Clinton also promised to notify the State Department's ethics official if any foreign government wished donor, such as Qatar wished to pledge money.
However, according to Reuters, the State Department confirmed that it has no record of such gifting and blamed the foundation for not notifying the department about such donations.
Last month, Clinton Foundation refused to confirm the Qatar's monetary gift. It was only in this week that a spokesman for the foundation, Brian Cookstra, said that it had accepted the $1 million gift. The spokesperson also said that though the amount is huge it did not amount to a "material increase" in the Gulf country's support for the charity.
However, the person refused to comment Qatar's requested to meet Bill Clinton. Both Qatar's embassy in Washington and in its Council of Ministers in the capital, Doha, was not available for any comment.
Recently, the foundation said that it will stop accepting money from foreign governments if Clinton is elected president and also promised to abandon foreign government dependent programmes.
The email that revealed the information is among the thousand the emails hacked by Wikileaks from Podesta's account and published last month.
The Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was quick to take a dig at his counterpart from the Democratic side. According to Reuters, he said that Clinton Foundation's major donors are favoured by giving access to Clinton's State Department, which Hillary Clinton dismissed as a political smear.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are already at loggerheads with each other over The United States presidential election of 2016.