Singapore school
Students leave for classes after their recess at a secondary school in Singapore Reuters

The Ministry of Education, Singapore, on October 17, issued a Press Release stating that the school fees for permanent residents and International students will be increased annually from 2018 - 2020. The increase in fees will be applicable for both Government and Government-aided schools.

Expected rise in fees

For PR students, the fees will rise by S$25 to S$60 per month, while the hike will be $25 to $150 for international students. The press release added that the increase in fees is a part of the Education Ministry's regular review of school fees which will be conducted on a timely basis. The new rise in fees will take effect from January 2018, followed by further hikes in January 2019 and 2020.

According to the Ministry of Education, the release of school fees for the next three years is aimed to help parents financially plan for their children's studies.

"The release of the fee schedule for the next three years is to provide greater certainty on the fees for non-citizens for the next few years, and to enable parents to plan for the financing of their children's studies in MOE schools," said the Press Release.

Fees for Singaporean Students

Through the recently issued Press Release, the Ministry of Education said that it has no plans to revise the fees for Singapore citizens studying in Government and Government-aided schools. According to the Ministry, the free education offered to Singapore citizens will continue in primary schools.

Students studying in secondary schools and pre-universities are required to pay S$5 and S$6 respectively as fees.