Islamic State leader in Afghanistan and Pakistan killed in US strike
Picture for representation Reuters (Representational Image)

The mastermind of Jl. MH Thamrin blast earlier this year was the same isis operative who spearheaded the plot to bomb Indonesian State Palace in Central Jakarta, the National Police said. It was also revealed that all the people arrested in connection with the plot belonged to the same terrorist network.

Bahrun Naim, whose real name is Muhammad Bahrun Naim Anggih Tamtomo, is a leader of a regional affiliate of the Islamic State called the Katibah Nusantara militant group, reported the Jakarta News. He was earlier arrested in November 2010 after hundreds of rounds of ammunition were found in his house.

Jakarta police foiled the plot to bomb State Palace on Saturday after they carried out a controlled detonation of a bomb which was believed to have been prepared for carrying out a powerful blast.

Police also arrested three people in connection with the plot during a crackdown on a dormitory in Bekasi, a town close to Jakarta. "Those arrested [in Bekasi] are part of Bahrun Naim's IS-affiliated network," said National Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Awi Setiyono, according to the news organisation.

Officers also nabbed the fourth suspect involved in the plan from Karanganyar regency. "The four suspects received instructions from BN to create a small terrorist cell," Awi added. Currently, a manhunt has been launched to locate Bahrun Naim along with the fifth suspect.

The news of the alleged plot to blast the State Palace came just a few days before the highly controversial trial of governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama and has created a frenzy among the administration. The trial will begin on 13 December at the old Central Jakarta Court building.