Bloomberg Global Health Index of 163 countries has named Singapore the healthiest country in Asia and the fourth healthiest country in the world. The Republic surpassed countries like Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the United States.
Italy has been ranked the healthiest country on with the average life expectancy in the country is 80-89 years. Iceland, Switzerland and Australia secure the second, third and fifth position, respectively. Other counties which made to the top 10 are Spain, Sweden, Israel, and Luxembourg.
The Bloomberg Report also pointed out the lifestyle and food habit of Italy as the key reason for a long life span. It stated: "Then there is the diet, rich in vegetables and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. Adam Drewnowski, director of the Center for Public Health Nutrition at the University of Washington, has written about the importance of consumers having access to fresh produce, fruit, lean meats and fish."
The report is based on an annual survey of 1,000 people in more than 150 countries that simply asks them to rank, on a scale of 0 to 10, whether they are living their best life. Researchers then use six measures to try to understand the results: gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, support from relatives or friends, charitable giving, freedom to make life choices, and perceived levels of government and corporate corruption.
The report further stated: "The U.S. placed No. 34 with a health grade of 73.05 out of 100. It's ranking for the prevalence of overweight people is 67.3 — tipping the scale as one of the world's heaviest nations." The United Kingdom came at the 23rd spot followed by South Korea on 24.
It might also be noted that though Italy has been placed on the top, the country is struggling with an internal economic crisis. Almost 40 percent of its youngsters are unemployed and the country is in the midst of heavy debts.